About us
Ortopedia 3D offers technologies and services for digitizing
the entire production of custom orthopedic devices.
We use working protocols and proprietary technologies
developed through years of medical and technological research.
Every device is custom-made, based on patient’s precise anatomical features. A functional 3D scan is a crucial propaedeutic procedure to the subsequent biomechanical 3D modelling. The digital modelling allows to perform unique interventions combining functionality with aesthetics, in order to obtain a more performing, ergonomic and lighter device.
Different certified technopolymers and 3D printers are employed according to the product specific features. Our working protocols well comply with the most complex clinical cases.
We offer worldwide 3D modelling and 3D printing service. Whether the customer chooses to meet us or send us patient’s 3D scan, our expert team will design and print a customized orthopedic device according to medical requirement and patient’s demands, combining functionality with aesthetics.
We sell 3D technologies to digitize the entire production. Customers may purchase the most appropriate 3D scanner, 3D modelling software, 3D printer and technopolymers in line with their production and needs.
We provide intensive and individualized courses covering the whole digital workflow: 3D scanning, 3D modelling and 3D printing. Courses are set focusing on customers’ targets and according to their previous knowledges. Customers will benefit of post-training assistance.

Contact us for more information
Press Room
“Ortopedia 3d”, tecnologia digitale per produrre manufatti ortopedici più funzionali ed economici
Nella finale di start cup puglia 2020, 13° edizione, organizzata da arti – agenzia regionale per la tecnologia e l’innovazione, in collaborazione con regione Puglia
Corsetti e protesi ad alta tecnologia, l’idea barese di Ortopedia 3D premiata al DigiThon
"Pazienti scannerizzati in pochi secondi" per poi realizzare protesi su misura o strumenti medicali per situazioni difficili da risolvere con le tecniche tradizionali
Ortopedia 3D, la Startup Acquavivese finalista di due competizioni digitali.
In entrambe le competizioni Ortopedia 3D gareggerà con altre 100 start up (DigithON) e 50 start up (Heroes Meet in Maratea)